Monday, June 15, 2009

Back in the brew.

Well, after a longish hiatus from brewing, I'm back into it and put down my first brew for June.

I hadn't been sure what to start with again as I've been hanging to make some apple cider but haven't been able to find a good, well priced source of apple juice. After all, apple cider is merely apple juice fermented in the same manner as beer, albeit with a different kind of yeast. One of my good friends is somewhat a cider fan, so thought to see what I could make which could tickle his tastebuds. If you happen to know of a good source of bulk, organic, preservative free apple juice then do let me know.

So what did I kick off with? A simple English Ale. ESB - Extra Special Bitter.

Here's the recipe:
* 500 g cracked Carapils steeped at 78C for 20 minutes
* 500 g wheat malt
* 4.5 kg liquid light malt extract (Coopers)
* 45 g Pilgrim hops @ 60 minutes
* 20 g Fuggles hopes @ 30 minutes
* 25 g Fuggles hopes @ 10 minutes
* US-05 yeast, dry sprinkled and stirred, pitched @ 17C, ambient 19C.
** OG = 1060

ESB? Hmmm - not quite. It doesn't completely match the statistical profile listed in some of the judging associations' guidebooks, but then again, quite a few favourite beers, ales, stouts and more don't match a given profile yet are well enjoyed world over. Just like cooking, some people prefer more or less something or another - it's just personal taste.

In this case, it wasn't taste. My stock of Pilgrim is about four or five months old so it's possible that it is no longer as strong. Thus, this brew is experimental.

There wasn't anything new or exciting to photograph during production, so I will make good with some pics as soon as it's in the glass.


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