Friday, August 19, 2011

Hiatus, Schmiatus... or something like that.

Just a quick post to apologise for the lack of updates during 2011. Sometimes, life intervenes in the goodness of bread and brew.

I've been blessed with a lovely son. He's a fine lad. We're wonderfully happy.

However, keeping mind, body and soul together while experiencing sleep deprivation and undertaking the tasks related to a planned relocation all at the same time... well... something had to give.

Thus brewing is on hiatus until we finally relocate. Baking is using the cheater's delight: a bread machine. And experiments, well, it's better to put those aside until after someone has signed a contract to buy my place.

I'll endeavour to post something relevant and interesting soon.

In the meanwhile, take care and make sure that you brew and bake and do all those good yeasty things that are good for you, your family and the environment. Besides, they're a few of the remaining things that you can do that are pretty much carbon neutral.

Until soon!

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