Sunday, March 28, 2010

Non-stick pans for baking

The one thing we all desire as bakers of cakes, breads and anything else we shove into the oven is that it won't stick.

Our forebears managed to use some really strange enclosures and not have the baked goods stick to that enclosure.

Somehow, in these recent times with greater cooking power (hotter ovens and all)  we suffer our baked goods sticking to the pans.

There are two main ways to side-step this problem.

[1] Quality baking paper.
The low-cost and discount stores sell 'baking paper' and 'grease proof paper'. It sort of kind of works. With a heap of oil it still only sort of kind of works. Forget it. Spend the other two dollars and buy a roll of paper that works and is kinder to your health.

[2] Oil and lots of it.
Use the cheap baking paper. See [1]. Expect at least 30 grams more fat per dish baked in this manner.

Do you want to know the biggest objection?

Here it is - for free - anyway. The biggest fail of low cost commercial non-stick cookware. Read it and weep.

Low-cost non-stick pans work for one or two uses only. The first time or two you use them they seem to be utterly awesome - nothing sticks! Perfect results. Cook again, once or twice and it's quite possible that you will experience some rather less pleasant results.

Use it more? The only thing more sticky than those cheap cooking pans is dog poo. Dog poo on a baby blanket. Cheap non-stick is not worth it.

Go buy some quality non-stick pans from a commercial store for chefs, cooks and other kitchen bitches paid by the hour. It will cost more initially, but you can be quite sure that you will deliver the top-grade result which you had in mind when you commenced that recipe for that special occasion.

Best of Luck!!

Cheers !!!

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