Thursday, December 10, 2009

Proper drunk.

I've heard of a tale (as in the link below) where someone got so drunk that they required medical amputation of their legs.

It wasn't the drunkenness that did it. It was the immobilisation of the legs for an extended period while they slept it off.

In a UK motorcycle rag a few years ago, the tale of a fellow patient was related by one of the journos who, well, crashed a bike and ended up in hospital. The other patient, a Yorkshireman if I recall correctly, had been on a binge and had passed out with his legs tucked underneath him very reduced circulation. End result, amputation.

I had thought the tale to be made up, to put it mildly.

Well fear not! For what they can in northern England they can do in the USA too.

So remember - enjoy your drinkies this Christmas, but consider lying down flat or stay standing (hah!) while you sober up. Drink, but not to excess.


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