Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Evils of Glass.

Just a short post this time. For once. :)

In normal roasting and baking, glass dishes are a Godsend. Nothing much sticks to them and even the most gooey, sticky, fast-and-hot baked dishes are easy to scrub clean. Pyrex is aweosome.

When it comes to baking bread and the like, forget glass.

I tried a new focaccia recipe last night that I want to fine tune before I give it to you. It was very late and I felt so lazy that I didn't reach for my big black baking pan and just used the big glass one which was nearest to hand. Big mistake. Despite oiling it well the focaccia stuck a little all over the place and was a pain to remove without some cracking and little bits being torn off during removal. Less than perfect effort I'm sad to say.

So, give the glass dishes a miss and stick to proper baking pans.

Your mouth will thank you.

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